Friday, March 7, 2014

I was a cute kid.

I wanna thank my mum for dressing me up so cute when i was a kid hahaha well sekarang ni dah besar akil baligh tak boleh nak dress macam kecik kecik dulu haha. 

Sebab perempuan islam wajib berhijab once dia dah akil baligh. Well that is what i know lah. 

So here is a picture of my fat cat, tomey 

Tak malu kan? Dia sibuk buat comel , sitting on the dining table. So cute and so geram lah rasa nak peluk peluk je dia . 

And this is fatty bombom; 

Haaha he was in the mood of golek golek, so cuute right? 

So whatever is happening right now on twitter and everything, about the fitnaa and sodomy stuff. Well im being neutral here not trying to influence you guys or anything...

Well we all know which is wrong and right, we know about this current issue. But i find it so childish to argue over it on twitter. Cause its not going to change anything by that. Right? 

Okie dokie shall update soon since i've downloaded the blogger app on my phoneee yeay! 

My laptop rosak :( 

imansyafiqah :) 

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